The Peninsula Special Interest Lions Club (PSLIC) will hold a Stand Down for Veterans in Booth Bay Park the first weekend of October. Thanks to the “Welcoming Spirit” of the City of Foster City, the Lions plan to bring comfort and community to our Veterans in need.
What is a Standdown?
A Stand Down, in military terms, is when combat zone soldiers step out of the war zone to take time for themselves in a protected area for their health and welfare. This Stand Down is for our non-combat Veterans that for a weekend will receive medical, dental and vision services, as well as chaplain counseling, legal assistance, housing referrals, clothing and other supplies. The schedule of events includes a program to teach disaster preparedness. Full meals and snacks will be provided. Reveille and Taps will be shared with the neighborhood each day. As camaraderie is a big part of the experience there will be musical entertainment and games for the veterans. Generals and Captains will be on site to maintain military discipline. The final day will include military dignitaries with a formal celebration of the lives lost from all wars that the United States has fought for freedom at home and abroad.
PSLIC participates in, and supports other Stand Downs that are held all around the Bay Area. This Stand Down follows their successful San Mateo Stand Down in 2017 that was held in San Bruno, CA. PSILC is working with the City Council of Foster City, Fire and Police Departments, City Planners, Parks and Recreation to make this Stand Down a success!
Plans for the Stand Down in Boothbay Park
PSLIC plans to bring about 80 to 100 Veterans to stay on site in tents at Booth Bay Park for 3 days. Setup will begin Oct 1st and breakdown will be completed by Oct 7th. All Veterans must be registered in advance and approved to attend. They will be arriving by shuttle bus between the hours of 8am-4pm on Thursday, October 3. Sincere efforts will be made to minimize impact on the community and to show our gratitude and respect to the neighbors of Booth Bay Park.
No parking on Boothbay Avenue and Galveston Parking Lot
Street signage will advise of blocked areas, both on the street and sidewalk, along Booth Bay Avenue and the parking lot off Galveston Street. Foster City Police will enforce their policy of no parking for 72 hours prior to the event. Medical buses and a shower vehicle will be parked on Booth Bay Avenue during the event. The buses are self-contained for all waste accumulated. Garbage will be managed and removed as needed. Porta potties will be monitored for cleaning.
During the Stand Down the police will have squad cars in the area to help with any issues. In addition, the Stand Down will have a total of approximately 70 trained, unarmed, security volunteers who will work in shifts over 24 hours to monitor the event. No weapons are permitted at the event. Booth Bay Park will have fencing to surround the area specific to the event. Veterans are not permitted to leave at any time during the event.
Playground and Tennis Courts Accessible
The children’s playground and the tennis courts will be accessible to the neighborhood all three days of the event.
Volunteers for this Event
Many Lions from other clubs in the area, and volunteers from local churches and community centers will be shuttled from approved Foster City off-site parking. Booth Bay Park neighbors are welcome to volunteer! Minimum age must be at least 18. Veterans of “any war” or others who wish to volunteer should visit our website for more information and registration.
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